Thursday, January 17, 2013

Way Existential…

Clueless is one of those movies that never gets old. I loved it when I was 7, and I still love it today.  So it's no surprise that I squealed in delight when I saw the Wildfox Spring '13 collection:

Pictures from here

Isn't it classic? And this isn't even the first time that Wildfox found their way into my heart (and wallet) by drawing inspiration from a childhood favorite of mine. Before Clueless there was Weetzie Bat. Ever since I saw the 2010 collection, that was inspired by Francesca Lia Block's magical stories (why don't people name their kids 'My Secret Agent Lover Man' in real life?), I've been in love with the brand - and it looks like that love will continue. It's way existential…

Peace, Love and Sparkles

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